
Start this guide only after learning how to earn a proper income through legitimate means. No money-making methods are included here, as reaching the end-game requires prior grinding experience and understanding.

Advanced-Game Guide

Unlocking 21 Minion Slots

Unlocking Zombie Slayer 7

  • Before unlocking zombie slayer 7, make sure you have 15-20 Million Skyblock Coins in your bank.
  • Grind T4 (Tier 4) Slayers
  • Tip: When unlocking S7, wear two sets of Revenant Armor. One should have Wise Reforge and other should have Fierce or Pure Reforges.

  • Revenant Viscera and Reaper Armor

  • After unlocking your recipe, use Spider Minions to make Revenant Viscera, which will also help in crafting other recipes.
  • It is recommended to purchase Reaper Armor with 50k Kills rather than crafting a new one, as purchasing it is generally cheaper and more efficient.

  • Unlocking Wolf Slayer 6

  • Grind T4 (Tier 4) Wolf Slayers using Mastiff Set and Shaman to unlock Wolf Slayer 6 and then craft Mana Flux and Weird Tuba.

  • Goal: Zombie Slayer 8

  • After getting Reaper Armor, your goal is S8.
  • You have two choices:
  • Tip: Ethereal Scythe has more advantages since Tuber Staff was nerfed within the past updates. Also, equip Reaper Mask to use Ethereal Scythe easily. It is suggested to use both for Spawning the boss rather than using it for killing.

  • Grinding Before Slayers

  • Important: Do not rush into after getting Reaper Armor.
  • Grind 40-50 Million Coins and level up your skills to atleast level 30 or more.
  • Collect all Reality Shards and increase your Magic Find. Aim for 14+ Magic Find.
  • You can increase your Magic Find by:

  • When Grinding T5 Zombie Slayers

  • For T5 Slayer, grind in Graveyard in an empty lobby to ease up the work.
  • Refer to Iceberg's video for efficient grind strategies for T5 Slayer.
  • Now the only things left to aim are the Axe of the Shredded, Atoned Helmet and Overflux Orb. At this point, you are truly in the Intermediate level. We believe you no longer need a guide, you have the experience, the skills, and knowledge to carve your own path.

    Your journey is now yours to shape. Work toward a title that will make you unforgettable, like "SphinxWraith"—a player who remains a legend, even after achieving everything. With average skill level 50, #1 in Revenant Slayer Xp, and a remarkable collection, SphinxWraith shows us that the journey doesn't end when you achieve everything.

    Remember, the goal was never to finish the game, it was to enjoy it. Even after achieving everything, the journey continues. In the end, you will have two choices:

  • Give back to the community, helping others as many great players still do.
  • Continue striving, pushing boundaries, and becoming the best version of yourself in the game.
  • Be a player who is remembered, not just for achievements, but for kindness and the impact on the server. Whether you become the most complete player or the kindest helper, or perhaps both, the choice is always yours.

    "A game doesn't end when you reach the top, it ends when you stop having fun."

    There are two types of people reading this guide:
    1. Those who follow every step one by one, implementing as they go.
    2. Those who read the whole guide first to get a clear idea before starting.
    Be the second type!